Rocket League is One of the best business approach games ever made; it includes some Football Matches and Miniatures that sometimes even play people. This is beautiful. But seriously, Rocket League has gone from strength to strength in the years since its debut, gradually amassing a player base in the tens of millions of players. And with the recent (controversial) move to a free-to-play policy, this player base will expand even more.
More players mean more players in Rocket League’s massive and dynamic economy, shaped by the many thousands and thousands of deals that happen every day. As the economy grows, more opportunities come along. Opportunity to fund rounds and top-notch appearance enhancement items you see in top-tier Rocket League streams without pulling your wallet.
If you know what you’re doing, you can turn a small number of credits into a considerable fortune that you can use to buy entire fleets of white Fennec with closed eyes (Fennec is a vehicle body released on July 1, 2019, available at Crate excellent Starting today, since chests are not open, they can be obtained from blueprints. They can also be obtained through player-to-player trades.) The process is simple. But the patience and discipline needed to grow your wealth can be challenging. Below we’ll walk you through the basics of how to earn free Rocket League credits.
Credits are Rocket League currency purchased from a player’s specific platform market, used to unlock blueprints and purchase items in the Item Shop. They are available in 500, 1100, 3000, and 6500 sets.

How to get credits in Rocket League
1. Be patient
When you start receiving coins in Rocket League without opening your wallet, remember: You have to start somewhere. So be prepared for stress. The tips below will eventually lead to thousands of credits – seriously, these are tried and tested tips on how to get curated credits from some of the wealthiest players in the game, but, at first, the process will seem slow. Earnings growth will only get worse over time. It’s about reinvesting what you’re doing to get more next time, then again, and much more—every time.
2. Know the market

That means scrolling through group posts and trading sites and learning all the ins and outs of price tags. Collect everything. This information will be at your fingertips when you need it. But don’t use any website as a pricing bible — items with high volume and movement will be tracked accurately, but harder-to-sell items may be far from the problem of lack of reliable data.
3. Trading
Negotiating is an essential life skill that will replicate the benefits just as easily in the virtual world as in the real world. Don’t be afraid of the counteroffer. While your business partner is unlikely to say “no,” it won’t cost you anything to try. You’d be surprised that people looking to move their merchandise might be willing to drop the price a little below the asking price to seal the deal, only resulting in a better profit margin on your part.
And make sure you order the extras – again, the worst that can happen is the seller says no. But if he says yes, who knows where/when this addition might be helpful later. The key is to seek value addition wherever and whenever you can consistently. Counter offers and ordering add-ons cost nothing, and over time you’ll reap huge rewards that you would otherwise have missed out on for no good reason.
4. Find the correct items and twists!

Some essential items will always sell for a high value: for example, Black Market, Dracos, Zombas, Octanes, or Fennecs. Four great black market options to look out for are Toon, Biomass, Solar Flare, and Labyrinth. This would be a huge boon for anyone looking to gain momentum toward building their stock.
The trick to the twists is simple: Check the current prices for items that move well and aim to buy them for 50-100 credits below the minimum (a small shortfall will move them faster) and then resell them at the average price. -maximum. If Solar Flare’s price range on PS4 is 200–300, try to buy it at 100–150 and then raise it to 250–300. Rinse, wash, and repeat. This is the “meat and potatoes” option for how to get credits in Rocket League.
Every time you profit, you have more funds to reinvest and will make a more significant profit next time. With each cycle, the total value of the objects you flip increases, increasing the real value exponentially over time.
5. Start with cheap items.
When starting, relatively expensive items like Fennec and Zomba can be out of reach. Check out uncommon, uncommon, unboxed (free drop), and unmodified items. These items move quickly because they can be traded. Many high-profile players recommend selling your NCVRs to people looking to trade in hopes of acquiring the coveted Titanium White Octane. It depends on you and how lucky you feel. You can cut your volatile stocks out of your trading pool or choose the more reliable fixed income from selling your NCVRs.
And there you are! The basics of how to get credits in Rocket League. It is that simple, but remember to be innovative and safe! Please read our article on How to Avoid Scams in Rocket League To prevent one of the game’s many cheats from setting you back a few steps on the road to building Rocket League fortunes.